2012/02/17 印尼神龍雜誌 (十一)中文版龍魚愛好者必備工具書 . 最新魚場現況.最新魚種.讓你資訊不落人後.印尼神龍十一 上市 請洽(天下龍魚桃園店)桃園市三民路二段223號.電話 03-3323305(天下龍魚北京店)北京市朝陽區高碑店華声天橋市場水族一排31~36. 座機 010-88863305連絡人:練偉傑 158-0141-9822. (中國)0938-133-505(台灣)E-mail (MSN) :lienweichieh@hotmail.com QQ:371337242北京連絡人:王琳 159-014-86228 . QQ : 410966574
龍魚愛好者必備工具書 . 最新魚場現況.最新魚種.讓你資訊不落人後.印尼神龍十 上市 請洽(天下龍魚桃園店)桃園市三民路二段223號.電話 03-3323305(天下龍魚北京店)北京市朝陽區高碑店華声天橋市場水族一排31~36. 座機 010-88863305連絡人:練偉傑 158-0141-9822. (中國)0938-133-505(台灣)E-mail (MSN) :lienweichieh@hotmail.com QQ:371337242北京連絡人:王琳 159-014-86228 . QQ : 410966574
澄采畫廊 地址:新竹縣竹北市光明六路東二段23號 (北一高竹北交流道下,約5分鐘即可抵達) 行動:0916-758-510 電話:03-668-3853 傳真:03-658-3053 EMAIL:seawave0514hu@yahoo.com.tw 位置地圖
Our double point needles were the first carbon fiber knitting needles in the world ! They are not made of metal, wood, or plastic. What they are made of is a Carbon Fiber Composite - the same material used in the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner and the Blackbird Stealth Jet as well as sporting goods that demand strength in a lightweight material. With their nice pointy tips, we decided that the name Blackthorn DPNs described them perfectly.Read about us on Ravelry! This link will take you to our Blackthorn DPNs Group. The Group threads are packed with actual user reviews, pictures, comments and answers from myself and fellow knitters.These sets of 5 needles -- in eight sizes from US 0000 to 4 have the feel of bamboo (smooth but not slick) and feel warm to the touch. They are as strong as but more flexible than steel.We make our needles in the popular 6" length to accommodate most knitting styles and projects. Your order of Blackthorn DPNs will come in a re-useable clear plastic pillow box.
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